Isä Kobe

Väri: tricolour, keskipitkä karva
terveys: lonkat B1, kyynärät 0, OCD free, CEA/CL normal, TNS normal, MDR1 normal
tulokset: kilpailee paimennuksen Open-luokassa
Linkki Koben kotisivuille. KLIK!
Koben omistajan sanoin:
"Kobe is very active in his play and work, but when he is inside the house he is very calm, he is not a nerveous BC like you have some types. He is cool in his head. With other males he is fine, he just ignores them ;)
He has a very open character and sooooo loves to be cuddled !!! Nothing fiers him, he is bullet-proof.
I really can't find negative points on him, he is my dreamboy. We just 'click' very well together." Ils Geerts

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